Do not forget to cite and include a works cited page.
1. What did you like best about this assignment?
I enjoyed putting into words something I'd believed for quite some time. It's not uncommon for me to voice my belief on a subject, but when faced with the task of putting that same belief into writing, it becomes much more fleshed out.
2. What did you like least about this assignment?
This assignment brought up some negative things about myself, which I don't ever like bringing up to others, or even recalling myself. But it's when we realize mistakes we've made we become stronger. Also, this assignment delayed my Calculus homework, which reflects more so my procrastination than anything negative about the assignment itself!
3. As you think through your revision process, which comments made by your
writing group were helpful? Why or why not?
They informed me that I wasn't indenting my paragraphs, which is clearly a rule from the MLA format guidelines. That was a helpful reminder, as I'd forgotten that rule.
4. Reflect on the workshop experience. What do you like/dislike about reading and
responding to others’ work. As a writer do you like/dislike this process? Why or
why not?
I like being made aware of what corrections I need to make on a paper.
I never like having to be a critic. I feel cruel when doing so. I just hope they take my critiques as I took theirs.
5. How does your essay meet, or not, the criteria for a personal narrative?
I described a principle using personal experiences, but forgot to indent my paragraphs according to MLA formatting.
6. What are you most proud of with this essay?
I'm proud I was able to write over 600 words. Writing doesn't come naturally to me, so to be able to write that many words made me happy.
7. What are your concerns as your instructor evaluates your essay?
My concerns are she won't be as gentle with me as my classmates were!
8. How did your reading choice (Assignment 3.4) impact the writing of your This I
Believe Essay? Do not forget to quote, paraphrase and cite your work. Be
Oh dear. I did not realize I was supposed to refer to the choice I made in assignment 3.4 until reading this question! Was there a reminder of assignment 3.4 when doing the I Believe essay? I don't recall any, though I could have just missed it.
9. If you had a chance to write this piece again, what would you do differently?
I'd indent my paragraphs. Apart from that, I don't think I'd do anything differently.
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